
Bugs and requests can be made through issues. Pull requests are open, but will only be accepted if they have the following:
1. A reason to be pulled.
2. Follow the existing coding standards (tabs, PascalCase, etc).
3. Unit tests are added as needed, and existing tests still pass or are changed as needed.
4. Comments are included.

Submodules are planned but aren't used yet. Nexus Instance and Nexus Plugin Framework are external dependencies and should not be changed. Issues with them should be brought up seprately.

Alpha Version Warning

Nexus Git is currently in Alpha. While the project has shipped, it may not be completely viable for production work since major bugs are known or being discovered. Before submitting a GitHub issue, you should check the Trello board to see if it is already known, and potentially pending a release. If the bug or feature request is not on the Trello board, it is probably not known and should be brought up.