
(extends NexusContainer)

Abstract class for a constraint on list frames.

NexusEvent NexusCollapsableListFrameConstraint.ListFrameAdded

Invoked when a list frame is added to the constraint.

NexusEvent NexusCollapsableListFrameConstraint.ListFrameRemoved

Invoked when a list frame is removed from the constraint.

NexusEvent NexusCollapsableListFrameConstraint.ListFramesUpdated

Invoked when the list frames list is changed. This included frames being added, removed, and the order changing.

bool NexusCollapsableListFrameConstraint:ContainsListFrame( NexusCollapsableListFrame ListFrame)

Returns if the constraint contains the list frame.

List<NexusCollapsableListFrame> NexusCollapsableListFrameConstraint:GetListFrames()

Returns the list frames part of the constraint.

List<NexusCollapsableListFrame> NexusCollapsableListFrameConstraint:GetAllListFrames(bool OnlyShowVisible)

Returns all of the list frames in the constraint.

void NexusCollapsableListFrameConstraint:SortListFrames(function SortFunction)

Sorts the list frames using a given function.

void NexusCollapsableListFrameConstraint:AddListFrame( NexusCollapsableListFrame ListFrame,int Index)

Adds a list frame to the constraint.

void NexusCollapsableListFrameConstraint:RemoveListFrame( NexusCollapsableListFrame ListFrame)

Removes a list frame to the constraint.

void NexusCollapsableListFrameConstraint:ClearListFrames()

Removes all of the list frames to the constraint.